Sweetcake Mountain Preserve: A Trail that’s Sweet as Cake

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Looking to work off those holiday calories? Pay a visit to one of CVRLT properties for a hike! In continuing of “Autumn on our Preserves” series, we are highlighting our most popular properties, Sweetcake Mountain Preserve…

Sweetcake Mountain Preserve is nestled within a quiet neighborhood, but don’t let that fool you; the views make a loud statement. This 39.9 acre preserve has trails that flow through deciduous forest and rocky outcrops. The property was donated by the Fox family to preserve the land in its natural state in perpetuity.

As soon as you leave the parking lot, you embark on your journey through the two miles of trails that flow up and down the mountain. In the autumn, the fallen leaves create their famous crunch noises below your feet, filling the woodland amphitheater with sound. At the top of the mountain, you’re rewarded with stunning views of Candlewood Lake. It’s difficult to understand the beauty of this pinnacle until you go there yourself.

Once you’ve soaked in the views of Candlewood Lake, you can either return to your car, or continue on the blue trail, which passes a memorial to Charles and Dorothea Fox. A simple bench invites you to sit and relax before you take the journey back to the mountaintop. The trails offer a fun form of exercise going straight up and down the mountain over a short period of time.

Features of this preserve include: dog-friendly walking trails, a scenic overlook, and parking.

Learn more here: https://candlewoodvalleyrlt.org/…/sweetcake-mountain