Spring Appeal

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Every year, trees in our yards, parks, and forests lead us and our neighboring wildlife into spring. After trees conserve energy during winter’s cold, shorter daylight hours, the longer, warmer days signal them to nourish their buds into blooming leaves and flowers that tell us spring has arrived. Spring’s blooms invite us to enjoy and appreciate nature! They also activate nature’s photosynthesis and pollination to produce our food and keep our environment healthy. Whatever you most enjoy about spring, you’ll find many ways to connect with nature on CVRLT’s 2023 spring event calendar at candlewoodvalleyrlt.org!
Your gift to our Spring Appeal helps us to preserve our forest, meadow, wetland, and water habitats, and is deeply appreciated. Your online donation helps to preserve more trees by saving paper and processing costs. Thank you for your support, and please join us this spring! With appreciation, Faline Schneiderman President, Board of Directors