Experience Winter’s Unique Beauty On Our Preserves

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Our 2024 events connected us with nature’s spring awakening, its spring and summer blooming, feeding, and growing, and its autumn preparations for winter. We blazed a trail on our newest Danbury preserve, viewed Candlewood Lake from atop Sweetcake Mountain, learned about beekeeping, sketched Komlo Preserve’s plants and flowers, and learned about our region’s bats and the challenges they face to survive.

We thank Board members Cheryl Rykowski, Nicole Vesey, Jayne Morin, and Tommy Butschi for arranging the 2024 events that help our community to enjoy and appreciate nature!

Winter is our opportunity to experience nature at rest, and enjoy relaxing ourselves. Here are a few of the inspiring winter scenes to enjoy on our preserves:

Hahlawah Preserve’s short walking trail winds through its forested wetlands along Ball Pond, to a bench at the pond’s edge where you can relax and enjoy the waterside view. (Photo by CVRLT Volunteer Michelle Bissett)

When Komlo Preserve’s Dunham Pond freezes and its ducks and swans move to open water or winter shelter, it’s a favorite spot for winter walkers and hockey players. Komlo’s nearby woodland trail to its brook is also an inspiring walk. (Photo by Faline Schneiderman)