Candlewood Valley Regional Land Trust will be holding its annual meeting on Saturday, April 28th, 12:30 pm at Komlo Preserve, 140 Route 37 in New Fairfield.
DRIVING DIRECTIONS: Enter 130 Route 37, New Fairfield for GPS and take that driveway straight back (it forks to the left) on to the dirt road to arrive at Dunham Pond. Signage will direct your where to park.
Following a very brief annual meeting will be a featured speaker, Ben Garson of Dogology, who will give a talk on “Hiking with Your Dog”. After Ben’s talk, all two-footed and four-footed friends are invited to hike at Komlo Preserve. Light refreshments will be served. Bring your favorite collar!
Komlo Preserve is an idyllic setting with open meadows, Komlo Preserve offers a wildlife sanctuary, forested wetlands, and a man-made pond situated in the center of town.
The pond, which was made when gravel was mined for the building of Route 37, is home to a wide array of wildlife. Beavers, ducks and geese all rely on this habitat. There is also a sizable heronry right at the edge of the forest.